Most gravity has no known origin. Is it some exotic particle? Nobody knows. Is dark energy respoasible for the expansion of the universe? Nobody knows.
- Neil Degrass Tyson

Gravity is a type of energy that holds objects together. Gravity is directly proportional to an object's size. Gravity is not limited to obscenely large masses; everything with even a minor amount of mass has a gravitational force of sorts. Earth's mass is 5.972 × 10^24 kg with a gravitational force of 9.807 m/s ².

Another factor that can play into gravity is the speed at which the object is moving, that is why the gravitational force is measured in meters per second squared. When in an objects gravitational field, the weight of things attracted to it plays a factor in how it interacts with that object. For instance, an object like a solid metal anvil will be attracted more to the object than a light feather. While both are pulled by the same amount of gravitational force from the object, the heavier object is pulled faster because of its mass has gravitational force that is also pulling on the object. Rockets are limited in this manner. Rockets can weigh as much as two million pounds, or more because it is solid steel and contains millions of pounds of fuel. The break the earth's gravitational pull we must output an equal amount of energy. This is what the fuel is used for, to output exploded fuel onto earth we can launch a rocket. However, we use almost all of the fuel to get into the Thermosphere, the outer layer of Earth's atmosphere.